The 3D Model Marketplace (very useful to deal models for 3D configurators) has redesigned its system and added some additional features for buying and selling 3D models for 3D printing and design projects.

assets CGTrader

Buyers can now bid on the selected 3D model and offer their own price which can then be accepted or rejected by designers.

“There are already many Amazons in this industry, but there was no eBay yet. The ability to negotiate the price will attract more buyers and help designers increase their sales. We believe this will benefit the entire 3D industry and expand the market,” said Marius Kalytis, CEO of

CGTrader aims to create an ecosystem for the fast-growing 3D model and printing market. To attract more professional designers, CGTrader enables authors to earn over 90% of royalties by selling their 3D models.

Erhöhen Sie Ihr Verkaufsvolumen.

Mit unseren 3D-Konfiguratoren erreichen Sie mehr kommerziellen Erfolg auf Website..

Juan Carlos Jimenez, an experienced seller at CGTrader, says: “Lower commisions for sellers mean better prices for buyers. On this platform, we can offer our customers significantly better prices. For example, all our products are 20% cheaper than anywhere else and we still make more profit compared to other stores.”

Other features include an advanced and more accurate product search, including filtering and sorting. For example, you can filter whether the 3D models are printable or not. In addition, the 3D model publishing and management systems allows the user to edit titles, prices and grant discounts on multiple products simultaneously.

GCTrader was launched in 2011 and acquired a total of 185.000 € from the venture capital fund Practica Capital in early 2013.`s future plans include expanding the base of 3D models and driving the 3D design community.

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