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So far 3DMaster has created 2268 blog entries.

Why open source GPU drivers have improved in the embedded area.

Robert Foss from Collabora was again at the Linux Foundation's Open Source Summit this week to present the latest state of the art in open source graphics drivers for embedded applications. As you should all know, the embedded open source graphics drivers have improved greatly, especially with [...]

Why open source GPU drivers have improved in the embedded area.2021-06-21T15:01:37+00:00

What myths you should know about GPGPU computing.

Knowing how and when to use GPGPUs in HPEC computers will give embedded designers a better understanding of how to manage power consumption and load balancing with this powerful processing technology. Two of the biggest difficulties of modern embedded systems can be summarized in a few words: [...]

What myths you should know about GPGPU computing.2021-06-21T15:02:25+00:00

Why you should test GPU computing with WebGL.

GPU computing is the use of a GPU (Graphics Processor Unit) as a co-processor to accelerate CPUs for general scientific and technical computing. Universal Computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) is the means of using a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), which typically does only the computation for computer graphics, to perform computations in applications [...]

Why you should test GPU computing with WebGL.2021-06-21T15:03:17+00:00

Why web developers will have better opportunities with
WebCL in the future.

Web browsers in most cases cannot use the full power of your computer or mobile device. The code they run tends to run in a sandbox that is abstracted from your hardware and does not allow the browser full access. For example, while your desktop software can use all the cores of your computer [...]

Why web developers will have better opportunities with
WebCL in the future.

How to make a decision between Fusion 360 and Blender.

If you're tired of searching Thingiverse for the perfect model, you'll want to create your own design. In the following article we compare Fusion 360 and Blender to help you choose between the two. A refresher for CAD software. Many hobby designers will look for models for [...]

How to make a decision between Fusion 360 and Blender.2021-06-21T15:05:00+00:00

Why 3D configurator tools lead to more customer satisfaction
and turnover.

3D configurators are a good option for manufacturers who are trying to satisfy customer demand for personalized, unique products when the product complexity is high. Customers have always wanted to feel special and are now increasingly willing to pay more for it. In return, they want to [...]

Why 3D configurator tools lead to more customer satisfaction
and turnover.

What you should know about Mass Customization in healthcare.

Many industries are now discovering the advantages of Mass Customization. You can offer your customers a product that meets their wishes and needs and also requires about the same amount of time and money. The ability to offer your customers a product that is tailored to their personal needs, without at the same time [...]

What you should know about Mass Customization in healthcare.2021-06-21T15:09:55+00:00

Why personlizable medicine will become increasingly important in the future.

The "cocktail" of prescription drugs that some people and many seniors have to take every day often leads to deviation from the rules. The large number of pills in different sizes and colours that have to be taken at different times can cause confusion and ultimately overwhelm the patient. Researchers at the Materials Research [...]

Why personlizable medicine will become increasingly important in the future.2021-06-22T07:54:48+00:00

Why customization is becoming increasingly important in the apparel industry.

Mass cutsomization allows the customer to customize the functions, content or appearance of an item according to their own wishes. This aspect is becoming increasingly important in the apparel industry. As early as 1970, the futurist Alvin Toffler predicted the emergence of individualisation in Future Shock. Joseph [...]

Why customization is becoming increasingly important in the apparel industry.2021-06-22T07:55:40+00:00

The Khronos group now works with Vulkan SDK.

It has always been a little strange how the de facto Volcano SDK runs through LunarG and not through Khronos Group, which might cause confusion for those who are not familiar with the enormous staff potential of LunarG. But it is slowly becoming clearer why LunarG is handing over its Volcano SDK to Khronos [...]

The Khronos group now works with Vulkan SDK.2021-06-22T07:56:33+00:00
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