Here you will find content with a focus on 3D software.

Why you should concern yourself with the Maxwell renderer.

The Maxwell Renderer (very useful in 3D configurator projects) is one of the most popular rendering and visualization tools on the market. In the following article we explain the reasons how Maxwell was able to position itself in such a good position. For over a decade, Maxwell Renderer has been synonymuos with the 3D rendering [...]

Why you should concern yourself with the Maxwell renderer.2021-05-27T14:33:22+00:00

Why the Corona Renderer is mixing up the 3D rendering industry.

The Corona Renderer (very useful in 3D configurator projects) is still unknown to many, but its ease of use and unprecedented interactive rendering engine have the potential to attract a lot of attention in the 3D rendering industry. The following video gives a brief introduction to the renderer: [...]

Why the Corona Renderer is mixing up the 3D rendering industry.2021-02-09T15:01:08+00:00

How to make a decision between Maya and 3ds Max.

There are many different applications on the market that you can use for your work to create a 3D configurator. The two most popular software solutions available are 3ds Max and Maya. In the following article we would like to analyze and evaluate the strenghts and weaknesses of the two 3D applications. Basically, we [...]

How to make a decision between Maya and 3ds Max.2021-06-02T09:26:27+00:00

Rent or buy software? Which solution is best?

Recently, software vendors have seen many different contract models to create a 3D configurator. The spectrum ranges from unlimited contracts to software rental. Rental solutions usually offer them the latest software at an attractive monthly price, but there is a catch... If you stop paying, you lose your software. [...]

Rent or buy software? Which solution is best?2020-10-30T14:40:40+00:00

Already know the most popular 3D rendering software solutions on the market.

3D rendering software (very important in the creating processes of a 3D configurator) has made great strides over the last 10 years. Architects and designers are increasingly dependent on lifelike renderings of their work. Fortunaly, due to the existing 3D rendering software, you don`t need a server farm or a master`s degree in computer [...]

Already know the most popular 3D rendering software solutions on the market.2021-05-27T12:10:12+00:00

How to integrate 3D content into your website with Blend4Web.

In this article we would like to introduce you to 3D methods of integrating Blend4Web (well-suited to create 3D configurators) content into web pages. Method No. 1: Standalone HTML file. The ability of export scenes from Blender into a single HTML file is one of the most interesting features [...]

How to integrate 3D content into your website with Blend4Web.2020-10-30T14:26:23+00:00

The market for 3D software – a short online analysis.

Against the background of an increasing spread of interactive 3D content like 3D configurators on the internet, we would like to conduct a short, internet-related market analysis of 3D software in this article. Various providers have established themselves on the market for several years. In this article we would like to take a closer look [...]

The market for 3D software – a short online analysis.2021-05-27T13:52:43+00:00

How to get started with Blender`s animation tools.

In a previous article we have already taught them the basics of rigging (important process to create a 3D configurator). In this article we will deepen the basics of animation and learn how to use some of Blender`s animation tools to set keyframes and adjust motion with the Blender Graph Editor. If you prefer [...]

How to get started with Blender`s animation tools.2021-05-28T08:30:14+00:00

Which aspects you should consider when selecting a rendering engine.

If you`ve looked at various rendering engines (very important to create a 3D configurator) on the market or been informed about stand-alone rendering solutions, you`ll probably have come across terms like biased vs. unbiased, GPU acceleration, REYES or Monte Carlo. The latest wave of next-generation renderers has generated a lot of attention, but it can [...]

Which aspects you should consider when selecting a rendering engine.2021-05-28T13:09:21+00:00

How to randomize textures for duplicate objects with blender.

In the following video by Hamza Cheggour we would like to show you how you can make textures on duplicated objects look different. As you may know, using instances to duplicate objects (like a 3D configurator) is a good way to optimize your projects, but the problem is that the resulting objects look exactly [...]

How to randomize textures for duplicate objects with blender.2021-05-28T12:43:48+00:00
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