Guide for beginners: What is glTF?

In previous articles we have reported that facebook (well-suited to promote 3D configurators) has been making it possible to post 3D content in glTF 2.0 file format via the newsfeed for a few days now. In this article we would like to go into the glTF format in more detail and provide you with the [...]

Guide for beginners: What is glTF?2020-11-04T15:25:40+00:00

How to get more out of your facebook marketing with 3D.

People from communities by sharing things that are important to them with others - through photos, videos, and increasingly through more effective media types. Recently, 3D posts (for example about 3D configurators) have been introduced that allow people to see and interact with a digital object from all sides in Facebook`s news feed. It responds [...]

How to get more out of your facebook marketing with 3D.2021-05-28T11:25:23+00:00

How to create 3D objects in VR with blocks from Google 3D.

Today, complex software to create 3D configurators and a specific skill set are required to create compelling Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) experiences. This software also requires the creation of 3D objects on a 2D screen - something our brain wasn`t designed for. Behind Blocks from Google is the idea that creating [...]

How to create 3D objects in VR with blocks from Google 3D.2021-06-02T09:29:20+00:00

How new interactive 3D features make the Layar-Plattform even more powerful.

Interactive 3D models like 3D configurators have played an important role in the development of Augmented Reality (AR) and today make the Layar platform even more powerful. Many new features have been added to enable the creation of engaging and interactive 3D content with Layar. Customer can [...]

How new interactive 3D features make the Layar-Plattform even more powerful.2020-11-04T15:05:50+00:00

What you should know about 3D printing in the automotive industry.

A special development in the automotive industry (3D configurators are very popular in this industry) in recent times has been 3D printing. If you seriously believe that the automotive industry is lagging behind in this development, you should read this article carefully. Car manufacturers understand the benefits of using this technology and are even [...]

What you should know about 3D printing in the automotive industry.2020-11-04T15:03:39+00:00

Why you should be looking at APIs in 2018.

There are over 19.000 Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs) currently available on ProgrammableWeb that can be used by anyone creating or extending new applications like 3D configurators, integration adapters, or extending existing platforms. Enterprise spending on private APIs is already running into millions today. APIs that enable cloud-based integration are growing rapidly with 1.316 APIs, [...]

Why you should be looking at APIs in 2018.2021-05-28T10:39:52+00:00

How to get started with the OpenGL graphics pipeline.

OpenGL has been around for a long time and when you read the collected documentations on the internet, it`s not always clear which parts are outdated and which parts are still useful and supported on modern graphics hardware. With this in mind, we have decided to write a new beginner`s guide for OpenGL (important [...]

How to get started with the OpenGL graphics pipeline.2021-05-28T13:12:20+00:00

How to get started with coding shaders.

Learning how to write graphic shaders (important in the creation processes of 3D configurators) means harnessing the power of the GPU with its thousands of cores all running in parallel. It`s a kind of programming that requires a different way of thinking, but unlocking its potential is worth the initial effort. Virtually every modern [...]

How to get started with coding shaders.2021-05-28T10:46:17+00:00

What you should know about the Eye Dome Lighting.

Eye Dome Lighting (EDL) is a non-photorealistic shading technique (important in the creation process of a 3D configurator) designed to improve depth perception in scientific visualization images. It relies on efficient postprocessing passes implemented on the GPU with GLSL shaders to achieve interactive rendering. To calculate the shading function, only projected depth information is [...]

What you should know about the Eye Dome Lighting.2020-11-03T16:37:32+00:00

How you can improve customer satisfaction through 3D customization.

The production and sales processes for most products are very similar. A small team develops a product and once it has been produced, others market it and sell it to different customers. A company can use focus groups, research, internal feedback or customer suggestions to follow a new product development path. But during the [...]

How you can improve customer satisfaction through 3D customization.2020-11-03T15:57:12+00:00
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