How to get started working with buffers in Direct3D 11.

A buffer resource is a collection of fully typed data grouped into elements. You can use buffers to store a variety of data, including position vectors, normal vectors, texture coordinates in a vertex buffer, indexes in an index buffer, or device state. A buffer element consists of 1 to 4 components. Buffer elements can [...]

How to get started working with buffers in Direct3D 11.2021-06-25T13:54:32+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is Z-Fighting?

Z-Fighting, also called stitching, is a phenomenon in 3D rendering that occurs when two or more primitives have similar or identical values in the Z buffer. It is particularly common in coplanar polygons where two faces occupy substantially the same space without either face being in front. Affected pixels are rendered with fragments of [...]

Guide for beginners: What is Z-Fighting?2021-06-25T13:56:33+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is Foreground Alpha?

Foreground Alpha is a rendering mode that sets the Alpha (Opacity) pixel depending on whether the pixel is considered to be in the foreground or background of the scene (for example to create a 3D configurator). If you enable Foreground Alpha, when you save your image in PNG, EXR, or any other format that [...]

Guide for beginners: What is Foreground Alpha?2021-06-25T13:59:04+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is Subsurface Scattering?

Subsurface Scattering simulates semi-transparent objects line a 3D configurator in which light rays penetrate, bounce around and then exit at a different location. Many organic and inorganic materials are not completely opaque directly on the surface, so light does not simply bounce off the top. Instead, some light penetrates deep into the surface of the [...]

Guide for beginners: What is Subsurface Scattering?2021-06-02T09:37:19+00:00

What you should know about iRay conceptual modeling.

At a basic level, the natural world can be modelled as the interplay of energy and matter (for example in form of a 3D configurator). This interaction can in turn be observed by the viewer through the visible appearance of the world. In this model of the natural world, the appearance of an object [...]

What you should know about iRay conceptual modeling.2021-06-25T14:06:20+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is an InterFrame?

An InterFrame is a frame in a video compression stream that is expressed as one or more adjacent frames. Interframes are ideal to use in 3D configurator projects. The "Inter" part of the term refers to the use of InterFrame prediction. This type of prediction attempts to exploit the advantages of temporal redundancy between [...]

Guide for beginners: What is an InterFrame?2021-06-25T14:12:49+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is Multi-Resolution?

Classically, the concept of multiple resolution was closely associated with the study of wavelets. Wavelets are useful for describing mathematical objects such as functions (or signals) with different resolution levels. For example, an image can be described in different resolution levels. Understanding and characterizing the differences between images (or functions) at different resolution levels [...]

Guide for beginners: What is Multi-Resolution?2021-06-25T14:13:38+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is Computer-Aided Design (CAD)?

CAD is a computer technology that designs a product and documents the design process. CAD can facilitate the manufacturing process by transferring detailed diagrams of a product's materials, processes, tolerances and dimensions with specific conventions for each product. It can be used to create either two-dimensional or three-dimensional diagrams that, when rotated, can be [...]

Guide for beginners: What is Computer-Aided Design (CAD)?2021-06-25T14:18:16+00:00

What is the difference between polygon modeling and NURBS?

Polygon and spline modeling are two of the most commonly used approaches to creating 3D objects like a 3D configurator. Both options are capable of creating high-quality three-dimensional models, but what are the differences between them? In the following article we would like to give you a better understanding of the process of developing [...]

What is the difference between polygon modeling and NURBS?2021-06-25T14:19:08+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is Path Tracing?

Path Tracing is a rendering algorithm similar to raytracing in which rays are thrown from a virtual camera and tracked through a simulated scene for example for a 3D configurator. Path tracing uses random samples to gradually calculate a final image. The random sampling process makes it possible to represent some complex phenomena that [...]

Guide for beginners: What is Path Tracing?2021-06-25T14:20:49+00:00
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