Beginners guide: Radiosity with photon maps.

The effect of "Global Illumination" is necessary for realistic images and 3D configurators. In this paper, we present a method for generating photon maps that can later be used to texture surfaces. These texture maps are created by tracking the light emitted from light sources and recording where the light is absorbed. This allows [...]

Beginners guide: Radiosity with photon maps.2021-06-25T14:26:54+00:00

How to create realistic renderings with the Indigo Renderer.

Indigo Renderer is a feature-rich software application that integrates professional photo enhancement tools to make photos look more realistic for example in 3D configurator projects. It's packed with many advanced options and configuration features that you can tinker with. Customizable installer and user-friendly interface. Complete package includes [...]

How to create realistic renderings with the Indigo Renderer.2021-05-28T13:10:54+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is a Bounding Volume Hierarchy?

A Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) is a tree structure on a set of geometric objects like a 3D configurator. All geometric objects are wrapped in bounding volumes that form the leaf nodes of the tree. These nodes are then grouped as small sets and enclosed in larger sets. These in turn are also grouped [...]

Guide for beginners: What is a Bounding Volume Hierarchy?2021-06-22T12:24:21+00:00

How to get the hidden surface problem under control.

If we look at an image that contains non-transparent objects and surfaces, we cannot see the objects behind the objects that are closer to the eye. We need to remove these hidden surfaces to get a realistic screen image like a 3D configurator. The identification and removal of these objects is called the hidden [...]

How to get the hidden surface problem under control.2021-06-25T14:31:36+00:00

Everything you need to know about Firefox Reality.

Earlier this year, Mozilla announced that it was developing a completely new browser called Firefox Reality to view 3D content like 3D configurators. Mozilla's Mixed Reality team set about developing a web browser that was designed from the ground up to work on standalone Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) headsets. Recently Mozilla [...]

Everything you need to know about Firefox Reality.2020-12-01T15:29:08+00:00

What you should know about 3D camera tracking with Matchmover.

Matchmover is a free software from Autodesk for tracking film material (for example to view 3D configurators), which can be included in a 3D package like 3ds Max or Maya. Tips for collecting footage: When filming the video you want to track, make sure you have high [...]

What you should know about 3D camera tracking with Matchmover.2021-05-28T12:52:36+00:00

What types of matchmovings you should know.

Matchmoving is the process of tracking one or more features in a piece of video in a specific time period. This technique is very useful and is the first step to almost any motion design and any visual effects recording with film footage. Matchmoving can be useful when visualizing a 3D configurator. MatchBut as [...]

What types of matchmovings you should know.2020-12-01T15:22:52+00:00

What relevance matchmoving has for live action material.

Matchmoving, also known as motion tracking, is important for any VFX artist to understand to create beautiful videos about 3D configurators. Without them, there would be no way to integrate 3D data into live action material. With the advances in software and the machines they run on, matchmoving has become more affordable and faster. [...]

What relevance matchmoving has for live action material.2021-06-25T14:36:54+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is OpenSubdiv?

OpenSubdiv (often used when programming 3D configurators) refers to a set of open source libraries that implement a powerful subdivision surface evaluation on parallel CPU and GPU architectures. This codepath is optimized for drawing deforming surfaces with static topology at interactive frame rates. OpenSubdiv is an API [...]

Guide for beginners: What is OpenSubdiv?2020-12-01T14:37:02+00:00

Guide for beginners: What are Subdivision Surfaces and what are they good for?

Everyone who loves Quake Champions is impressed by the high-quality graphics (ideal for creating 3D configurators), light maps and character animations. Although they've done an excellent job painting the text details, most of their characters are made up of hundreds of triangles that can't capture very detailed geometry. Over the past few decades, Subdivision [...]

Guide for beginners: What are Subdivision Surfaces and what are they good for?2020-12-01T14:32:52+00:00
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