Categories: 3D animations

How motion tracking can improve your videos.

Motion tracking sounds a little robotic, but in reality it can improve your 3D configurators.

Sometimes you only have to focus on one person. No distractions.

That`s why most professional video software, such as Corel VideoStudio Pro, has motion tracking.

Videos can be quickly and easily focused and designed to appeal. Whether the crowning cake at the birthday of your sister or a highlight at the end of the basketball season, you can dedicate every second of your video to the most important thing.

Increase your conversion rate.

We help you to generate more inquiries from your website with 3D animations.

If you want to disable the background in the videom use Motion Tracking to follow your subject. Do you want to immortalize a special moment when less gifted players like Ronaldo move around? With Motion Tracking, you can turn your project into reality.

Below we`ll give you exactly some reasons why you should use Motion Tracking in your videos.

Animation effects.

Do you dream of letting lasers shoot out of your eyes like Batman? Or create spider webs like Spiderman?

You can do just that with Motion Tracking for animation effects.

By letting the animation follow a path, you can create all sorts of wondrous effects. With a few clicks, you can create an animation that won`t cause you any problems. There are also animated transitions and movements that you can use to give your video a storybook feel.

Motion tracking of athletes and overlays.

Athletes need to see themselves in action again and again to grow and learn as competitors. But watching rough sports video is often a challenge, because many complicated details that can be observed while running, jumping and crossing have to be captured.

With Motion Tracking, you can take any video from the amateur standard to the professional level. All sport programs use this. The circle around the player as he meanders flawlessly through his opponents to the goal line? The starting shot in the 100-meter sprint, which shows the athlets in action? Everything is processed with Motion Tracking.

Place the Motion Tracker in the person you want to highlight, add the image, and suddenly turn them into the star of the show. You can add even more meaning to your star by visually adding names, positions, stats, or arrows to the video.

This will glorify your athletes as highlights in your videos. There is no better way to highlight your star athletes, especially when it comes to bringing unique performances into focus.

Censorship or faces and personal information.

Business owners often search for videos without recognizable people in the background.

There are copyright issues with using strange faces is an ad, so you can use motion tracking to hide people in the background. This process is called Mosaic Effect and is used in countless media to protect the rights of individuals and businesses.

Increase your conversion rate.

We help you to generate more inquiries from your website with 3D animations.

Censoring a video with Motion Tracking is useful for hiding logos for which you do not have permission to view. Caps, T-shirt logos or passing trucks in the background. Creating videos independent of copyrighted images can be a daunting task, but Motion Tracking does just about anything for you.

Motion tracking can also be useful when uninvited guests show up in their videos. Whether a distracting passer-by or a barking dog, Motion Tracking effectively eliminates these troublemakers. The following video describes how to censor a video with Motion tracking:

For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. For more details, please see our Datenschutzerklärung.

Repair shaky shots.

The motion tracking tool is not primarily used to stabilize your video, but did you know that the same technology that allows us to track motion is the same technology that allows us to stabilize shaky shots?

With motion tracking, you identify the subject you want to follow through the image and the software tracks it as it moves through are shot. To stabilize, you do it differently, you identify the spot you want to keep centered in view, and the whole frame moves around to compensate. The result is a non-blurred video.

Thanks for reading.
