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How new interactive 3D features make the Layar-Plattform even more powerful.

Interactive 3D models like 3D configurators have played an important role in the development of Augmented Reality (AR) and today make the Layar platform even more powerful.

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Many new features have been added to enable the creation of engaging and interactive 3D content with Layar. Customer can use this new experience both in the Layar app for iOS and with Android. The “Layar for Glass App” has also been updated to be compatible with these new developer features. Watch the video above to get an overview of the new features and see examples of how you can turn 3D prints and other everyday objects into amazing experiences.

Virtual showroom.

The first example in the video visualizes a virtual showroom where users can experience a new car model in 3D. The car rolls into position with programmable animations and you can tap the doors to open and close them with our new object anchor feature. You can even come very close to take a look inside or use the color selector to see what it looks like in your favorite color, which is made possible by the additional option to change material properties without reloading the model.

Channel Surfing.

Next is a funny retro television example showing some new features: changeable material properties and video textures. The TV model shows a teletexture that plays directly on the screen and when you tap the TV buttons, you can switch between channels and see something else. This example also shows how to use the Layar App`s pop-out function with 3D models. The function allows the following actions: double tap, pinch-to-zoom, drag (to move to the model) and rotate with two fingers (to rotate the object).

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Interactive book cover.

AR is a powerful tool for education and this textbook cover is a perfect example of how 3D can further improve this. The cover comes alive with a rotating model of the solar system with independently animated planets rotating at their own speeds. As in the showroom example above, you can zoom in on the smaller planets to see them better. To realize this example, a combination of changeable material properties and object anchors was used.

Video in the round.

3D domes are a great way to immerse yourself in an exotic environment and now these panoramic images can become dynamic videos playing in all directions. In this music video example, you can be the director and rotate 360º to watch the musicians dance, sind and play their instruments. This example uses a new video texture function within a sphere.

These are just a few examples of the countless ways you can use 3D models to enhance the interactive printing experience. A new Blender add-on has also been released that makes creating and converting 3D models for Layar quick and easy.
