How to implement AR-tracking seamlessly with ARCore and ARKit.

Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) was one of the most effective technologies in 2017, opening up a wide range of augmented reality (AR) experiences or 3D configurators that go beyond image and object goals by instantly tracking scenes from the real world and bringing digital layers into everyday environments.

With the release of Wikitudes`s flawless AR feature, Google`s ARCore and Apple`s ARKit, many new eyes were turned to AR. The impressive flawless apps developed last year all spoke for themselves: SLAM is there to stay.

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Of course, problems with this new technology cannot be denied. So dealing with different SDKs and APIs for different platforms is cumbersome, time-consuming and not cost-effective. To solve developer`s difficulties with multiple APIs, the company developed Wikitude SMART, a seamless AR tracking feature for SDK 7.2.

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SMART – Seamless AR tracking.

SMART is a seamless API that integrates the SLAM engine of ARKit, ARCore and Wikitude into a single cross-platform Augmented Reality SDK for each device. This new SDK feature offers more than just a simple fusion of AR platforms: it includes all the features of Wikitude`s inituitive API. This means that developers no longer have to deal with specific ARKit/ARCore code. The Wikitude SDK dynamically identifies the end user`s device and decides whether to use ARKit, ARCore or Wikitude`s SLAM for each individual case.

The SMART feature is part of SDK 7.2 and makes ARKit and ARCore accessible to developers working with JavaScript, Unity or PhoneGap.

A free trial version of SDK 7.2 with SMART is available for download here.

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Enhanced device compatibility.

ARKit and ARCore will certainly help make AR more readily available to developers, but so far both SDKs have limited device compatibility.

SMART ensures the provision of the best possible AR experience on a wider range of devices covering 92,6% of iOS devices and about 35% of Android devices available on the market. This makes SDK 7 the first toolkit on the market to make flawless AR available to developers.

Whether you are tracking horizontal or vertical layers, SMART is able to place 3D objects, videos, buttons, widgets and more with Wikitude`s SLAM engine. For those interested in a greater variety of AR experiences, we recommend SDK 7`s Geolocation, Image Recognition and Tracking, Multi-Target Recognition, Object Recognition and much more with a wide device coverage (Smartphones, Smart Eyeglasses and Tablets) and multi-platforms deployment (iOS, Android).

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