Categories: 3D configurators

How to plan a 3D configurator without errors.

You know what this is? – Salespeople and buyers sat together for hours and thought up the ideal planning to create a 3D configurator. The employee proudly runs into production and beckons with the order he has won.

Only to hear from the Master: „Well, we can`t do it like this. This is not possible, only if you also use the one and certainly not this one!“ – error-free planning was not….

Stress in the process…

And an eternal back and forth between production and customer beginsm which is no fun for anyone involved and in the worst case leads to the customer still jumping off. In any case, however, valuable time is lost or there are even misproductions.

Or the product is manufactured, delivered to the customer and during assembly uit becomes clear: The dimensions are not correct. Customer and employees are frustrated, the error production rate for the controller is rising…

Now however correctly: error-free planning.

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Clear rules can be stored in the configurator. A cabinet may only be 2,20 m high, one drawer at a maximum height of 1,6 m. The drain of a garage must be in a corner and the distance between two concrete windows must be at least 50 cm. And the configurator is incorrupible. He won`t soften those rules to get a job. This way, the customer knows what works and can be sure that he gets what he has wished for. And the order automatically handed over to production will certainly not trigger expensive extra rounds.

Of course, the dimensions entered by the customer must be correct, otherwise the shelf will not fit under the stairs. However, these customer entries are clearly documented. You don`t have to search through a mixture of memos, emails and phone reminders. However, the risk of incorrect entries is dramatically reduced if the customer also gets to see a clear 3D representation before the purchase. This make it easy for him to understand even complicated planning contexts.
