It is usefull to invest in a bike configurator?

More and more customer desire customizable products like 3D configurators. This is especially true for bikes.

The demand for bike configurators is constant and high. This fact visualizes the following chart:

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Users search the keyword: “bike configurator” especially during spring and summer.

The search volume for the keyword: “bike configurator” is 1.900 queries per month at the moment. In the last time a strong increase in the search queries can be observed.

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We will analyze and evaluate in the following article the competitive pressure between different suppliers of bike configurators.

The competition between the different providers is high. This is shown by Google keyword planer.

To get detailed insights about this topic we will analyze in a first step the websites with the actual top 3 positions in the SERPs.

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The website has actually a very high visibility in internet. It must invest approx. 100.000 € per month on Google Adwords to reach the same number of potential users.

On the 2. rank is actually the domain

The site has actually a visibility of 0.

At last, we analyze the domain on the third place. It is the domain

The domain has actually a visibility of 15,75. This is a high value. Advertiser must invest approx. 18.000 € on Google Adwords to reach the same number of potential new users.

Conclusion: 1.900 persons in a month search the keyword “bike configurator”. The results in google trends shows a constant and high demand.

The competitive pressure is very high.

Erhöhen Sie Ihr Verkaufsvolumen.

Mit unseren 3D-Konfiguratoren erreichen Sie mehr kommerziellen Erfolg auf Website..

Several websites have a high visibility in internet. But not all.

A lot of users search customizable bikes. Moreover, the opportunities to get high positions are very promising.

Against this backdrop, investments in the development of a bike configurator at that time make sense. But companies should not wait much more time, because the competitive pressure will be stronger in the future.