The technical progress to web 4.0

In the following article we describe the technical progress from web 1.0 to web 4.0. This progress forms the basis for today`s options to creating 3D configurators.

The Beginning with web 1.0.

In web 1.0 the web was dominated by static HTML-websites, so that the internet in this time functioned only as source of informations.

Web 2.0 – change content dynamic.

In web 2.0 content can exchanged dynamically between users. It`s arise a “internet for everyone”. Every user can become a supplier. This enables interactions, communications and cooperations.

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Web 3.0 – the way to semantic web.

In web 3.0 computers a be able to understand and interpret informations.

Web 4.0 – merger between reality and internet.

In web 4.0 the focus is on merger between virtual and real world. This leads to the emergence of the so called “outernet”. How could such a merging between reality and internet looks? The following videos shows possible areas of application.

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