If you’re an iPhone user , then you’ll love the latest update from Instagram – 3D Touch (very useful to view 3D configurators). With this new feature, iOS users can now enjoy some extra extras that will certainly contribute to their #InstaAwesome experience. Here are three ways you can take advantage of the new 3D feature.

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Send direct messages.

Use the 3D Update to send a post directly from your account, simply tap and hold the image. When you lift the image, you`ll see three different options. Use the Direct Message feature to seamlessly share the post with a person or group. Don`t forget to add value to your share by adding a short, personalized message.

View notifications.

In your notification center, which you can find by clicking on the heart icon at the bottom of your screen, you can see people`s comments and their nice followers. To take a look at their followers` accounts, click on the notification and raise it. You can then preview the account and decide if you want to become a follower of the presented account.

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Mit unseren 3D-Konfiguratoren erreichen Sie mehr kommerziellen Erfolg auf Website..

Remember that you do not have to follow every account related to them. Instead, be selective in deciding whether the account will bring you inspiration. If the account really attracts your attention or is in your industry, it may also be worth turning on mail notifications to get updates on their account activity.

Scroll through the Browse tab.

Scrolling through the Explore tab is an excellent way to find inspiration for Instagram. Save time and use the 3D account preview feature. You can now get a feel for an account without having to spend more time downloading or scrolling.

The value of 3D touch lies in the ability to speed up access to options in the comment actions with fewer tabs. Even if it looks like the 3D update only saves a few seconds, this time adds up quickly. Take the time to explore the update and see how it can help you manage your Instagram account.