What you should know about KeyVR for KeyShot.

Luxion has released KeyVR, a “one-click solution for VR experiences” based on the KeyShot renderer.

KeyVR KeyShot

The new application makes it possible to view KeyShot scenes in VR with a head-mounted display and interactively change model sets, materials or environments.

View any KeyShot scene in the VR.

Luxion presents KeyVR as a new way for product designers and 3D artists to evaluate designs – like with the new VR toolset in Modo – as well as present them to customers.

As with KeyShot itself, usability is a leitmotif: users simply set up a scene in the renderer in the usual way, then click a button to export it as finished VR content to KeyVR.

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This makes it superfluous to manually process geometry or materials for viewing in VR, rather than using alternative solutions such as viewing the scene in a game engine.

The video below shows a very simple environment, but Luxion communicates that KeyVR is “optimized for VR viewing and cannot load large datasets”, so it will be interesting to see how complex a scene is that can handle it and still provide good interactive performance.

The software is based on KeyShot’s core framework itself for functions like loading assets.

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Simple interactivity without coding.

Once in KeyVR, the scene can be viewed with an HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or Windows Mixed Reality headset by navigating with standard teleport or flight behavior or with cameras previously set up in KeyShot.

It is also possible to switch from VR between variant models or materials created in KeyShot or to play KeyShot animations.

The user can also activate gravity and rigid body dynamics for scene objects: The physical behavior is created automatically without the need for coding.

Increase your conversion rate.

We help you to generate more inquiries from your website with Virtual Reality content.

Prices and system requirements.

KeyVR is only available for Windows 7 and higher. In addition to exporting scenes directly from KeyShot 8, KeyShot can also load native.ksp or bip files.

The software can be rented and costs $955 a year.

KeyShot itself costs $955 per year for the basic HD edition, $1,995 for the Pro edition, and $3,995 for the Enterprise edition.

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