Which reason behind facebook`s VR tool quill is.

Oculus (well-suited to view 3D configurators) has published a video on YouTube showing a VR illustrator called Quill:

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After describing the video, Quill was created to help the artistic minds at Oculus Story Studio complete the VR film Dear Angelica, the third project to debut from the studio after Lost and Henry. The video shows an artist using the Oculus touch controls to create a VR illustration reminiscent of Google`s Tilt Brush or the PlayStation VR game Dreams.

In particular, Tilt Brush has served as one of the most powerful tech demos of Vive. Such art experiences help the casual, non-playing crowd to get used to VR and especially to hand control within VR in a natural and pleasant way. Quill could be a direct tilt brush competitor for Oculus, but so far the company has not announced whether he program will be released commercially or used exclusively as a developer tool.

Quill is not Oculus`s only creative tool. The VR company of facebook is also building Medium:

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We help you to generate more inquiries from your website with Virtual Reality content.

Both programs should help to win what becomes his arms race in VR development: How can developers create VR experiences in VR themselves? The first question that answers this question will have an immediate foot in the door with all the most creative VR developers. With Quill, Oculus is taking another step towards becoming this company, although with the creative apps from Google, Oculus and Sony we will have more time to touch to really find out what is possible with each toolset.

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