Why you will sell more with a 3D configurator.
If you work closely with sales, you have probably asked yourself one or two of these questions:
- What can we do to sell more?
- How can we make our customers purchasing decision easier?
- What can we do with upsellers?
Consumers often show similar buying behaviour. Before the purchase (a 3D configurator is very usefule in this Stadium), the potential customer usually struggles with inner desires and fears. The purchase of a product is intended to solve a problem, but there is always the fear that a product will not work as expected and thus not solve the problem. The more a potential customer wants a product, the more likely it is that he will buy the product – as long as the fear of a wrong purchase is not greater.
An example should illustrate this fact. When customers buy shoes in a retail store, they can touch and try on the shoe beforehand. When buying shoes online, the risk of making a wrong purchase is greater, as there is a fear that the shoes will not fit so well or will even be uncomfortable to wear. That`s why you will usually prefer to shop in the local store.
This is especially true for complex, configurable products.
In the following, we would like to illustrate this using an exemplary configurable truck. Trucks can often be customized and configured to meet different customer needs. Trucks are usually sold at the local dealer. The customer can at best see a few different versions of the truck. The exact version of the product that the customer actually wants will only be visible in the rarest of cases. Therefore the potential buyer has to imagine his desired product in his fantasy world.
As long as the customer does not finally see the desired product version, there will always be a fear of a discrepancy between the desired product and the actually delivered end product. These fears of the customer increase the probability of burst deals from the seller`s point of view.
With a 3D configurator, on the other hand, the customer can still see the result of every small change to the product. This reduces the possible discrepancy between his desired product and the actual end product, so that the probability of a purchase being concluded with a 3D configurator is singnificantly increased.
Imagine that you are a salesman and the customer has the possibility to add a high-quality seat to his truck. Of course, you can explain the benefits of the seats in detail – but the visualization and presentation of the future truck takes place in the customer`s mind. But if you can show the customer directly what the seat will look like and how it will improve the driver`s comfort, you can bring the customer`s idea much closer to the desired end result. In practice, this significantly reduces the fear of making a wrong purchase. The 3D configurator also generates the desire to add additional components that the customer had never through of before.
If you want to relieve your customers of the fear of making a wrong purchase or sell more extras, the solution is quite simple: You sell more with a 3D configurator.