How to get started with Beam Tracing.


Beam Tracing is an algorithm for simulating wave propagation. It has been developed in computer graphics to render 3D scenes for example to create a 3D configurator, but it has also been used in other similar areas such as acoustics and electromagnetism simulations. Beam tracing is a [...]

How to get started with Beam Tracing.2021-06-22T09:25:46+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is Backface Culling?


Backface Culling is an important part of how a 3D engine performs visibility checks for example to create a 3D configurator. The purpose is to detect polygons that are invisible in a particular scene - that is, polygons that point away from the viewer. Recognizing backward-facing polygons allows us to eliminate them from an [...]

Guide for beginners: What is Backface Culling?2021-06-22T10:49:53+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is clipping in the context of computer graphics?


Clipping in the context of computer graphics is a method to selectively enable or disable rendering operations within a defined range of interest. Mathematically, clipping can be described with the terminology of constructive geometry. A rendering algorithm draws only pixels at the intersection between the clip area and the scene model (for example 3D [...]

Guide for beginners: What is clipping in the context of computer graphics?2021-06-25T13:47:46+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is the Warnock algorithm?


The Warnock algorithm is a hidden surface algorithm developed by John Warnock that is classically used in graphics (for example to create a 3D configurator). It explains the problems of displaying a difficult image by recursively subdividing a view until areas are reached that are trivial to evaluate. If the view is easy to [...]

Guide for beginners: What is the Warnock algorithm?2021-06-25T13:49:53+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is the Painter`s Algorithm?


The Painter's algorithm, also known as Priority Fill, is one of the simplest solutions to the visibility problem in 3D computer graphics for example to create a error-free 3D configurator. When projecting a 3D scene onto a 2D plane, it is eventually necessary to decide which polygons are visible and which are hidden. [...]

Guide for beginners: What is the Painter`s Algorithm?2021-06-22T10:50:56+00:00

What you should know about Visible Surface Determination in Quake.


This article deals with overcoming the unconscious boundaries that are often set in a project to create a 3D configurator. It then describes the various techniques that John Cormack has used to develop his Visible Surface Determination (VSD) and Culling (VSD) algorithms in Quake. This includes a description of the potentially visible set (PVS), [...]

What you should know about Visible Surface Determination in Quake.2021-06-25T13:52:20+00:00

How to get started with the Quake Hidden Surface Removal.


In the following article we would like to go a little deeper into the so-called "Quake Hidden Surface Removal". It often plays an important role in 3D configurator projects. Moving objects and Z-buffers. We start with a few remarks about the problems with moving objects (billboards/sprites, BSP [...]

How to get started with the Quake Hidden Surface Removal.2021-06-22T10:53:16+00:00

How to get started working with buffers in Direct3D 11.


A buffer resource is a collection of fully typed data grouped into elements. You can use buffers to store a variety of data, including position vectors, normal vectors, texture coordinates in a vertex buffer, indexes in an index buffer, or device state. A buffer element consists of 1 to 4 components. Buffer elements can [...]

How to get started working with buffers in Direct3D 11.2021-06-25T13:54:32+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is Z-Fighting?


Z-Fighting, also called stitching, is a phenomenon in 3D rendering that occurs when two or more primitives have similar or identical values in the Z buffer. It is particularly common in coplanar polygons where two faces occupy substantially the same space without either face being in front. Affected pixels are rendered with fragments of [...]

Guide for beginners: What is Z-Fighting?2021-06-25T13:56:33+00:00

Beginner Guide: Transparency and Rendering Meshes with BabylonJS.


We wrote this article to help you understand how things are displayed on screen and how transparency is handled in BabylonJS to create a 3D configurator in real time. General order. A general rule of thumb for real-time 3D rendering is that drawing [...]

Beginner Guide: Transparency and Rendering Meshes with BabylonJS.2021-06-25T13:58:19+00:00
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