Categories: 3D animations

How do vfx and animations differ.

Most people have certainly heard about VFX and animation. These areas are becoming more and more important nowadays and are already an important part in the media, e.g. in films, in advertising or creating 3D configurators.

The following article aims to differentiate between VFX and animation.

What is an animation?

Animation is the process by which images are used to create the illusion of motion through the rapid movement of these images in a sequence.

Animations can be recorded or stored in various devices and formats. Possible formats in which animations are stored are videotapes, flip books, motion pictures or digital media.

The first signs of animation that have been discovered come from Iran 5000 years ago. The discoverer found an artifact that seemed to have a sequence of a desert billy goat jumping to eat leaves from a tree.

Let’s now move on to the different types of animation.

Traditional animations.

Images are drawn on transparent acetate sheets, so-called cells, and photographed by holding them against a background. Each picture is taken frame by frame and each picture is slightly different from the other. In the 20th century, this method was mainly used for cinema films.

Stop motion animations.

This type of animation refers to the use of real objects and their physical manipulation to create the illusion of motion. Frame-by-frame photography is also used in this context. These include various types of stop motion animations, most of which are named after the material used. This type of animation is cheaper and more time-consuming.

Computer Animation.

As the name suggests, these are animations that are created using computers and software. It is divided into 2 segments:

2D Animation – Such animations refer to the manipulation of images and 2D vector graphics. The process includes techniques such as traditional animation, onion skinning, interpolated morphing and rotoscopy.

3D Animation – This animation refers to the creation of three-dimensional graphics. The animator receives a manipulated model and works to create the illusion of motion.

Since animations have become an important part of today’s media, there are now numerous job offers for those who have completed training or studies in this direction. As an example, the following fields of work can be differentiated:

  1. 3D modeller
  2. Rigging Artist
  3. Texturing Artist
  4. Lighting Artist
  5. 2D and 3D Animator

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There are numerous other related fields of work, which we would not like to discuss further here. Now we come to Visual Effects (VFX).

What is VFX?

VFX is the process of creating and manipulating computer-generated images. These images are combined with live action recordings when it comes to film making or any form of video visuality. VFX are used to generate film material that would be too expensive, dangerous or possibly impossible to realize in the context of film development. This form of content is now very easy to create using animation and compositing software.

Timing: VFX is one of the most important elements in the creation of a film and is usually integrated into the post-production of the film, but planning is choreographed at the planning stage.

Visual effects can be categorized into four segments:

Matte Painting: This type of image consists of a combination of different types of images and objects that are joined together during editing to create a single image of the desired task.

Live action effects: This process involves the key formation of the actors through blue or green screening.

Digital animations: Particle effects, digital sets and backgrounds, compositing and rotoscopy all belong to this category and involve the use of software to add or remove elements according to the requirements of the film.

The VFX area also offers great job opportunities today:

  1. Compositing Artist
  2. Rotoscopy Artist
  3. Mat Painter
  4. Paint Artist
  5. 3D Match Moving

In both Animation and VFX, everything depends on how good your work is and how much you and your company know. We hope this article has clearly shown you the differences between animation and VFX, so you can better choose between these two areas.

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