Categories: Augmented Reality

How to React and JS Developers Using Viro-Media create AR apps more easily.

When it comes to developing AR/VR games or 3D configurators, the people at Unity and Epic Games have products that are unbeatable. They can both be a bit daunting, but Viro Media wants to be the startup that makes developing non-gaming apps much easier for web and mobile developers.

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Viro brings JavaScript and React developers closer to AR fun and gives them the ability to easily create things like AR self-filters or magic portals thanks to the full support of Apple’s ARKit in iOS 11.

We already covered the VR ambitions of the startup in March after it completed a $2.5 million financing round with cash from Softbank NY, Lowercase Capital, Betaworks and several others. With the support of ARKit and Google’s ARCore, the StartUp will have access to a range of devices optimized for this new technology. VR headsets aren’t too many these days, but ARKit supports about half a billion Apple devices.

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The startup launched a sample app, Figment AR, which really demonstrates the platform’s capabilities and allows developers to easily incorporate a variety of effects into their new or existing apps. It’s not just gaming and fun, Viro is also optimizing the platform for enterprise customers.

The AR experiences at the moment are for the most part quite a gimmick by helping mobile and web developers. Viro Media will also allow existing apps to easily gain some AR functionality and allow developers to start experimenting.

We recommend all AR/VR developers to take a closer look at Viro Media.

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