What is WP Photo Sphere?

WP Photo Sphere is a filter that allows you to display 360×180 degree panoramas. With WP Photo Sphere your visitors can navigate through your panoramas without installing a plugin.

WP Photo Sphere is based on the JavaScript library Photo Sphere Viewer.

This plugin allows you to display rectangular panoramas taken with a classic camera or with Photo Sphere on Android and iOS.

WP Photo Sphere is available in the following languages:

  • English,
  • French,
  • Spanish,
  • Portuguese,
  • Turkish and
  • Dutch.

How to install it.

Like any other plugin, copy the folder wp-photo-sphere into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Then activate the plugin via the Plugins menu in WordPress.

How to use it.

Use the botton Add a panorama to upload a panorama or select a panorama that you want to include in your post.

Since version 3.1 it is possible to use the URL to read a remote panorama on another website. To do this, do not specify an ID number and use the URL attribute. Note that this function does not work with domains that do not have CORS enabled.

The default title that is displayed for each WP Photo Sphere link can be changed on the options page. You can also display a unique title for a specific panorama by using the title attribute. Note that the title-tag is also available in this attribute.

By default the dimensions are 560×315 pixels, but you can change this on the options page (in the settings menu).

You can also choose different dimensions for each panorama using the attributes width and height. For example [Sphere 42 width = “200” height=”400″] or [Sphere 42 width=”50%” height=”300″].

A maximum width can also be specified with the attribute max_width, for example: [Sphere 42 width=”700″ max_width=”80%”]. The default value can be changed on the options page.

In the navigation bar you can zoom, animate the panorama or view it in full screen mode. To display it, simply use the attribute navbar with the value yes: [sphere 42 navbar=”yes”].

You can choose whether it should be displayed on the options page in all your programs. If you want to display it in all your panoramas and disable it for a specific panorama, use the attribute navbar with the value no.

By default, panoramas are automatically animated after 2,000 milliseconds, but you can change this with the anim_after attribute. You can also deactivate the animation with the value -1. For example: [Sphere 42 anim_after=”5000″] or [Sphere 42 anim_after=”-1″]

You can set the animation speed with the anim_speed attribute. It accepts six units: revolutions per minute/second (rpm/rps), degrees per minute/second (dpm/dps) or radians oer minute/second (rad per minute/second). The default speed can be set on the options page. Example [Sphere 42 anim_speed=”10rpm”].

With the Autoload attribute, a panorama starts automatically after the page is loaded. For example [Sphere 42 anim_speed=”10rpm”]: Sphere 42 autoload] or [Sphere 42 width=”300″ height=150″ autoload].

Minimum and maximum zoom levels can be adjusted on the options page by changing the minimum and maximum fields of view. You can also use the min_fov and max_fov attributes.

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