A short overview about virtual reality.


In areas such as consumer electronics or Marketing virtual reality (such as 3D configurators) is the absolute mega trend at the moment. Virtual reality have changed our dialy live and provides for companies a enormous potential in the future. User have by virtual reality the feeling of sinking in another reality. [...]

A short overview about virtual reality.2021-05-28T14:18:39+00:00

A short interview about augmented reality.


Kemal Vural has more than 20 years experience in 3D visualizations like 3D configurators and is actual one of the most respected experts in German-speakings countries. We had the opportunity to interview mister Vural in his own office. What are the main trends in the next years? In the future [...]

A short interview about augmented reality.2020-10-20T15:40:07+00:00

The technical progress to web 4.0


In the following article we describe the technical progress from web 1.0 to web 4.0. This progress forms the basis for today`s options to creating 3D configurators. The Beginning with web 1.0. In web 1.0 the web was dominated by static HTML-websites, so that the internet in this time [...]

The technical progress to web 4.02020-10-20T15:41:10+00:00

How useful are 3D visualizations for SEO?


Content that solves the problems of the target group and shared by users are good content like a 3D configurator. Content that frequently shared in social media improve the rankings in important search engines like google. The use of another media is for SEO essential. So that the content can be extended and augmented. [...]

How useful are 3D visualizations for SEO?2020-10-20T15:42:15+00:00

Do you know the best 5 Blogs about animations?


Animations (good option to visualize a 3D configurator) got in the last years more and more digital so that a lot of animations was published expilcit in the web. We had much time spent to read different blogs about animations. In this blog we want present our favourite 5 blogs. ASIFA-Hollywood [...]

Do you know the best 5 Blogs about animations?2021-02-09T14:01:36+00:00

Do you already know the smartphone of the new generation?


For some years now, the ATAP-Team from Google in cooperation with the manufacturer for chips Nvidia are working together to develop a Smartphone in 3D with three cameras. The smartphone will better understand and recognize the environment. The smartphone will be able to gather more than 250.000 measured values in a second. The actual [...]

Do you already know the smartphone of the new generation?2020-01-21T12:31:28+00:00

Design your desire motorbike.


User can with the garage app of yamaha configure its own desire motorbike. Motorbike Fans have the choice between different models, components and colors and can view the result from different perspectives. It`s very nice 3D configurator. User can save their motorbike designs in a personal motorbike garage. Moreover they [...]

Design your desire motorbike.2021-05-28T14:11:08+00:00

This trend will be dominate the onlinemarketing in the year 2017.


From the perspective of user reality gets more and more boring - unless it is virtual or augmented. Virtual and Augmented Reality become more and more popular like a 3D configurator. The new possibilities enable unique user experiences. This increases advertiser satisfaction and on this way in [...]

This trend will be dominate the onlinemarketing in the year 2017.2020-01-21T12:29:34+00:00

No utopia: tangible 3D objects on the touchscreen.


The presentation of the development of so called "tactile feedback" by disney developers on the ACM symposium User Interface Software and technology arrange for amazingly looks like a 3D configurator in real time. On a flat surface user can palpate objects and textures. This is made [...]

No utopia: tangible 3D objects on the touchscreen.2020-01-21T12:28:32+00:00

3D in eStores.


Many companies embedded in the last months more and more 3D content like 3D configurators into Onlineshops to enhance the user experience. In practice user can find a lot of examples like the 3D configurator of prada: A another example is the virtual fitting by a webcam of Campe & Ohlff: [...]

3D in eStores.2020-01-21T12:26:56+00:00
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