How to create 360 degree tours.

Kuula is our preferred website for uploading and viewing 360 degree images. It was created as the perfect place to share 360 degree panoramas. You can upload, edit and share your 360 degree images as well as explore other people`s collections. You could also view Kuula as an instagram for 360 degree images.

Kuula has recently updated its platform and since then you can create 360 degree tours on the platform itself. You can create and edit a virtual tour for free, but if you want to share or embed it, you have to pay for Kuula Premium. While there are other platforms that allow you to create VR tours, Kuula offers a very affordable monthly rate that also brings you some benefits. It is certainly now one of the cheaper options to upload and host 360 degree tours.

Below we will explain how you can create a 360 degree tour with Kuula. Here is an example:

The tour is quite easy, but Kuula allows you to add information points such as text, links and videos, all of which are open within the tour itself.

To create the tour, you must first record your location with a 360 degree camera. It is recommended to take each 360 degree picture at a distance of at least one or two meters. In most cases, this is enough to cover an area without causing a lot of work.

Once you have subscribed to the Kuula Premium Service, you can upload and create virtual tours. To do this, go to the Collections tab, where you can upload your images in large quantities. It is recommened to sort them in the desired order before uploading.

Once all your images are uploaded, you can edit each one separately. Unfortunately, there is no way to do mass editing. In this respect, the platform can certainly be optimized.

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We help you to generate more inquiries from your website with 3D animations.

With Kuula you can view your picture, connect to the next picture in your tour and add any text, video or information points.

To connect to the next panorama, you need to ass a “hotspot”, which can also be a text field or a YouTube clip. You can choose which icon the hotspot uses to make clear what it dies exactly.

You don`t have to add video or text to your tour, but this kind of content certainly adds value for your users.

Kuula also allows you to add filters to increase the visibility of the bright colors. Again, you need to do this for each panorama, hopefully a bulk option will soon be available.

Once you have connected your images, your tour is ready to go. You can share on Facebook with a direct link or even embed the tour on a website.

The Kuula VR show feature is not the most comprehensive in terms of features, but it is very easy to set up, use and share.

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