Categories: Augmented Reality

How to publish Augmented Reality (AR) content for Android.

Recently, Sketchfab (very useful to view models for 3D configurators) officially announced that Augmented Reality (AR) content will be supported on Android devices in the near future. This has been the case with iOS devices for quite some time.

The mobile Sketchfab app has been enhanced with the Android “ARCore” functionality, which gives Android users access to all Sketchfab models in AR. This update makes us one of the first platforms to support both ARKit and ARCore.

Increase your conversion rate.

We help you to generate more inquiries from your website with augmented reality content.

Furthermore, Sketchfab makes compatibility with Android the easiest and most seamless way for developers to publish 3D work in AR without having to publish a single line of code, given the many ways in which 3D content can be created.

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The AR function is available on selected Android devices for each Sketchfab model. Download the app from the PlayStore, open any model and click the AR icon in the upper right corner. Since ARCore is currently in beta, the app will prompt you to install the ARCore SDK, which will only take a few seconds. Once installed, you are ready to go.

Aim at a horizontal flat surface until the Sketchfab floor appears, then simply tap it to place the model. You can then pinch to zoom in and out or rotate. Most importantly, you can move freely around the model being enclosed in the room. If you want to move the model, simply tap the screen again to bring the floor back and then tap the floor again to reposition the model.

Thanks for reading.
