Guide for beginners: What is GLKit?

Exkurs 3D configurator: Experienced developer Erik Buck, author of "Cocao Design Patterns and the upcoming Learning OpenGL ES for iOS: A Hands-on Guide to Modern 3D Graphics Programming", spoke to InformIT senior editor Dustin Sullivan and explained how Apple`s GLKit can help them design their iOS code for optimal graphics performance with minimal effort [...]

Guide for beginners: What is GLKit?2020-11-09T16:49:40+00:00

Beginners guide: Introduction to OpenGL and GLKit.

In the following article we would like to introduce you to the basic concepts of OpenGL (important for 3D configurators). The answers to the following questions will be the focus of this article: Why/When should use OpenGL? How should you configure an iOS application to use the OpenGL technology together with GLKit. [...]

Beginners guide: Introduction to OpenGL and GLKit.2021-05-27T15:25:47+00:00

Amazon introduces product configurators.

Amazon, market leader in online retailing, now offers sellers of customizable items like 3D configurators support under the keyword „Amazon Custom“ to present thes products more simply and customer-friendly. Individually manufactures and adapted products have been available in Amazon`s onlineshop for some time. Until now, however, the [...]

Amazon introduces product configurators.2021-06-22T13:26:14+00:00

How to embed your configurator in your website.

Many companies completely dispense with the use of an onlineshop. The most common reason for this is the specialisation in only one product. In such cases, programming an onlineshop is not worthwhile. Nevertheless, the integration of a 3D configurator is possible without any problems. This article will tell you how to do this. [...]

How to embed your configurator in your website.2021-05-27T14:22:20+00:00

Beginners guide: Introduction to SpriteKit.

SpriteKit is, at least for me, one of the most remarkable libraries in Cocoa (very useful in 3D configurator processes). It makes the 2D feeling easy and often delivers very good results with little effort. In this article we will break down the components of SpriteKit and give you a short introduction. [...]

Beginners guide: Introduction to SpriteKit.2020-11-09T16:27:17+00:00

What you should know about multiple user experiences with A frame.

Mult-user experiences on the internet (like 3D configurators) are well advanced since the rapid spread of online chats and social networks. Advances in Virtual Reality (VR) make the Web an immersive and interactive environment. Neal Stephenson imagined this group of shared, persistent and interconnected 3D virtual spaces and called them the metaverse - today [...]

What you should know about multiple user experiences with A frame.2021-05-28T14:10:13+00:00

You already know the 10 best design programs for automobiles?

3D Modelling Software is numerous, and each sector, each project, needs specific modelling tools (the right choice of 3D modeling software in 3D configurator projects is very important). In this article, we will help you choose software for your automobile projects. Indeed, the automotive sector benefits more and more from 3D printing, but to [...]

You already know the 10 best design programs for automobiles?2019-09-13T14:25:13+00:00

How 3D CAD is revolutionizing British crop production.

Have you ever wondered how 3D CAD software to create 3D configurators is used in the real world? Find out how a British company has made it cheaper than ever for farmers around the world to grow crops on their fields - increasing sales from 200.000 € million to 6 Mio. €. [...]

How 3D CAD is revolutionizing British crop production.2020-11-09T16:23:16+00:00

How to differentiate between CAD and CAE.

This article explains the difference between CAD und CAE. But let`s first clarify what CAD is. CAD is very important in the creation process of a 3D configurator. Not so long ago, before CAD was introduced, engineers did their drawings and calculations by hand. Today this would be far to expensive and not recommendable. [...]

How to differentiate between CAD and CAE.2021-05-28T13:18:41+00:00

How to convert a 3D model to 3D print data.

What do we mean by "slicing" in connection with 3D printing? Slicing is also an important process in the creation of a 3D configurator. There are many steps to go from the idea of an object you want to create to your finished, printed 3D part. Slicing is the process of converting your 3D [...]

How to convert a 3D model to 3D print data.2021-05-28T08:49:52+00:00
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