Categories: 3D animations

How you can differentiate computer-generated images from animations.

When people hear the word “animation“, they will probably think of high-priced Hollywood creations with high-quality graphics, which is also strongly associated with the term “CGI”. However, the differences between the two are quite drastic and the gap widens when you examine the technical definitions of the two.

Animation originally meant a sequence a hand-drawn cells played in sequence, each lovingly sketched or rotoscoped to create a fluid movement with a (mostly) stylized appearance. In recent years, the informal definition has changed to understand any animation that is not photorealistic or in film studio quality. It is no longer about the technique used, but about the quality and appearance of the finished sequence.

CGI, on the other hand, initially meant “graphics inserted into live-action scenes” – it was a way for directors to replace models with computer-generated graphics that could give their companies a little more scope and size. As with animation, the definition was twisted so that most or all of the project was represented in computer animation software. This is increasingly becoming the norm in many media, including online video, social media and TV advertising.

Examples of animated TV commercials:

  • 02 for England Rugby – Wear the rose, Make them giants.
  • Lyft – June: Life ist better when you share the ride.
  • Cadbury – Screme Ei Last Stand.

Examples for TV-advertising with CGI:

  • Audi Christmas app – Kevin the carrot.
  • Tombola Bingo – „I`m a celebrity, hol mich hier raus“-Sponsoring.
  • Asda Christmap ad – The Imaginarium

With its own advantages and disadvantages, each style can completely change the quality of an end product:

Increase your conversion rate.

We help you to generate more inquiries from your website with 3D animations.


  • Can be performed manually on a computer or a combination of both.
  • Does not require any special software to create the frames except skill, but can include  special software to make the finished parts even better.
  • In general, any art style can be adapted anc can even be created from a small number of still images.
  • Assets cam be reused – an image of a figure can be rotoscoped or inserted into any frame.
  • Can be much cheaper than CGI when hiring artists and buying tools.
  • If an animation is hand-drawn (or at least looks like it is), it can appeal to an audience that can`t really address anything else.
  • Animation production takes much longer, especially if existing frames and cells cannot be reused.
  • All errors will be much more blatant, even if they are drawn on the computer, because there is no uniform “model”.


  • Looks much better than traditional animations and has a much larger scope.
  • 3D assets can be reused across projects without artistic problems.
  • Looks much more expensive and high quality in most cases.
  • Requires only that a model be created once before it can be animated to do essentially everything.
  • Errors can be easily corrected by going back and re-rendering the material.
  • Needs much more digital storage space.
  • Almost always more expensive to produce.
  • Requires special tools and skills to produce.
  • It can take months or even years to complete long projects.

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