How you can improve customer satisfaction through 3D customization.

The production and sales processes for most products are very similar. A small team develops a product and once it has been produced, others market it and sell it to different customers. A company can use focus groups, research, internal feedback or customer suggestions to follow a new product development path.

But during the product development process and after the product launch, feedback and ideas are often not sought. Market research can the be conducted to determine the positioning or relative success of a product. The product development team then sets off again to design something new or improve the old ideas.

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However, there is a much more agile, responsive and proactive way to develop products. By leveraging the power of 3D customization (for example with a 3D configurator) in conjunction with digital manufacturing, companies can design products that better fit their customers. Companies can more actively engage their customers in an ongoing dialogue. This enables customers to have a voice in the design of a product and helps make that product better.

Mass customization and customer interaction.

In Mass Customization, a customer can design the product he or she wants. With the help of online software tools such as those developed by Twikit, people can play and interact with a design online. You can dimension a thing to fit your face, feet or hands. You can enter data such as birthdays. Based on this, the customer can then design his own product. Instead of providing people with a certain amount of products, Mass Customization offers customers many options and freedom to creatively cutsomize products to their own needs. Through immediate changes visualized by the customer in his browser, the customer can see how he influences the design process. Once the desired design has been realized, the user can place then order. This is a completely different methode of selling to a customer. Instead of one option, there are many. Offering a wide choice without overburdening the customer with too many decisions is the key element for creating online user experiences that work in mass customization.

Playfully increase customer loyalty.

Once this balance has become reality, customers can experience a new way of shopping. The direct interaction with the product gives the customer a lot of fun. Shopping is now a playful process where people can use their imagination to make a thing more perfect for you. You can add letters and phrases, make design changes and see the results appear in front fo you. Letters can be created and deleted, shapes can be changed. The fun factor lets people enjoy the result. They also keep imagining what this product would feel like or how it would benefit you to own it or buy it in this particular configuration. Only when you are completely satisfied with the end result wull you buy it. When online mass customization tools are professional planned, designed and implemented, they can be very user-friendly and give the user feedback about the final look and price of the item. The basic interaction is different. Instead of “buy the sunglasses for 199€” in red, blue or black, the interaction is more open. These customization options have a significant positive impact on customer loyalty. It is a creative process that you embark on together with your customers.

For this to make sense for the customer, the value proposition must be clear from the start. Pricing must be clear, as lack of transparency leads to higher dropout rates, We always recommend a simple, linear or uniform pricing model that is easy to understand. If it seems too variable or unpredictable, the conversion will suffer.

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UX and UI must also offer the customer enough space to play. Things should be changeable and the customer should know what he is changing and how. Any interaction should be simple and self-explanatory. If these factors are taken into account, the result is a successful interaction. Instead of assesssing the value of an object, the customer evaluates the value of what he has created together with them.

Customer loyalty through unique designs.

If mass customization allows sufficient adjustments and the user is not overstrained at the same time, there can be a playful interaction. This can result in a unique design. When uniqueness is promised, it is important that the design is so variable that it is actually unique. People appreciate unique things and are proud to own them, while their desire to purchase them is growing.

However, if the term is overused or does not lead to a clear article, the customer`s expectations are not met and disillusionment spreads. If these processes are well managedm the customer receives a unique item that he has helped to design himself. This will strenghten the bond to be configured product and significantly increase the probability of a successful purchase.

Emotional attachment to the brand.

If this design process is carried out in close coordination with the branding of your product, then the increased emotion of the customer is transferred to your brand. The customer develops a real emotional bond with them. Before the customer has even held the product in his hands, he will already have an emotional connection to your company, because he has already designed something with you. The following is a quote from a customer:

Here is a company that listens and understands me. Here is an organization that allows me to find the perfect solution for me.

Through Mass Customization, you enable customers to feel more self-satisfied. For the same amount of money, they could purchase standard items that everyone else has elsewhere. Instead, you work with them to create the perfect object. This empowering feeling is transferred to you.

Increasing satisfaction.

The resulting product will give a higher satisfaction after issue. The customer finally made it with them. Nothing has been acquired that is alien to the customer. Instead, they have gone through a process with them that has made them the ideal thing for them. People love to create and are proud of the things they make. Once they have this made thing, they will be happier with her and happier with you. Customers value her own commitment to creation very highly. If the process itself runs smoothly and the product meets expectations, they will not only like it for themselves, but also share it.

Ambassadors instead of customers.

In some cultures, buying a car is a shared event. In other cultures, on the other hand, it is often seen as boasting to talk so openly about the acquisition of a new object. Depending on how widespread automobiles are in the respective cultures, such news tend to go down or are greeted with excitement. “I designed my dream car”, on the other hand, is a more attention-grabbing statement to share. In many other cultures, such as message would be much more warmly welcomed, appreciated and acknowledged. If the consumer has this feeling about the car, it is also much more likely to spread the message further before it comes into being. You should note that not only is the message more interesting, but its meaning has also shifted. From “I have acquired a new object” to “I have done something interesting”. An often overlooked fact is that mass customization makes the consumer`s acquisition story more interesting while motivating the consumer to share it more. The customer will not only be more satisfied with the Mass Customized item, but his ownership also has a story behind it that he can retell. The integration into the configuration process takes the boast out of history and transfers it more in an interesting direction where the customer has personalized the product himself. With perfected objects in which the consumer is involved, they are increasingly likely to become true ambassadors of their brand. They can tell relevant stories and also purchase an object. This will have a positive impact on the marketing return and growth of the Mass Customized Product.

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Customer loyalty through a better fit.

  • Golf club grips that match or even correct the golfer`s individual grip.
  • Insoles and shoe soles that are specifically adapted to their size and weight.
  • Chin, knee and other protective devices for sports.
  • Corrective and post-operative prosthetics.
  • Tailor-made handles for rollators and wheelchairs.
  • Mobile phone with cases that fit exactly to the individual hand.
  • Custom slippers or other shoes.
  • Individually adapted tools or surgical instruments.
  • And much more.

Would you like to find out how you can use Mass Customization to help your customers better adapt to their products? Contact us to learn more.
