Categories: Virtual Reality

Use Steam Link with Oculus Go – Stream all desktop content to VR glasses.

Just recently we showed you how to play Gameboy and Gameboy Color games (interesting in combination with a 3D configurator) on the Oculus Go with an emulator. Today we show you how to use Oculus TV on the Oculus Go as a virtual cinema for your complete Stream library.

Using Steam Link with the Oculus Go.

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  1. Download the appropriate zip file from Oculus.
  2. Unzip it and right-click on the „.inf“-file.
  3. Selects „Install“.
  4. Now switch to the Oculus-Go-App (Smartphone) and navigate in the settings to the tab „More Settings“. There you activate the developer mode.
  5. If you don`t find the developer mode, then create an organization at Oculus.

Install APK.

  1. Download the Steam Link APK.
  2. Renames the file to :“Steam.apk“ and copies the file to „C:\Users/YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools“
  3. Note: the folder „AppData“ is hidden. In Explorer, go to „View“ and then to „Hidden Items“ and check the boy if you can`t find the folder.
  4. Connects Oculus Go to PC via USB Cable.
  5. Go to the start menu and enter „CMD“
  6. Runs the command prompt as an administrator.
  7. Switches to the ADB tools folder: „CD C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME/AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools“.
  8. Enter „ADB devices“ and confirm by pressing Enter.
  9. If the Oculus Go is „unauthorized“, the Go sets up and gives the release.
  10. Give me ADB Install Steam.apk

Increase your conversion rate.

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Now when you set up your Go and start Oculus TV, Steam Link should appear as playable content. Now you can test your library. A 5 GHz Wifi should be used for optimal transmission. When you exit Steam Big Picture Mode on your PC, Steam will display your entire desktop content in the Oculus Go.

Controller for Steam Link with the Oculus Go.

Bluetooth controllers can be connected to the Oculus Go, but it is not intended to be used for control within Steam games on the Oculus TV. However, a simple solution is to connect a controller to the computer from which you stream your Steam library. No special equipment is required for this. Simply connect the desired controller, connect Steam Link and get started. Alternatively, you can grab the keyboard and mouse and simply use the Go as a giant monitor at your workstation.

First experience.

The transmission works very well with my 5 GHz Wifi in many games. I have currently tested Broforce, Cuphead, Darwin Project and Road Redemption. While the first three games didn`t cause any problems, the transmission was quite jerky with Road Redemption. The feel is great even with the keyboard and mouse, and since the glasses are wireless, the comfort is also quite high. Probably not yet a permanent alternative to the monitor, but a nice way to quickly and easily bring a home cinema with Steam into your own four walls.
