What you should keep in mind with multiple WebGL Canvases.


Recently, a user asked an interesting question about using multiple canvas elements on a single page. Of course, the questions arises why someone should need such a thing. In practice, however, there are many useful applications (such as 3D configurators), including those from the well-known Animagraffs Studio. This fascinating feature deserves a closer look. [...]

What you should keep in mind with multiple WebGL Canvases.2020-10-30T14:55:14+00:00

How Google is actively shaping the spread of WebVR with Chrome.


With Virtual Reality (VR) you can visit the Turkish Grand Bazaar, get to know life in a Tibetan temple first hand and walk through your dream house from your living room. With the latest version of Chrome (well-suited to view 3D configurators), Google brings VR to the web. For an impressive experience, you need [...]

How Google is actively shaping the spread of WebVR with Chrome.2021-05-27T15:11:19+00:00

The impact of Mozilla on the social mixed reality web.


In the following article, we would like to report on Mozilla`s (good browser to view 3D configurators) efforts to further develop the Social 3D Web as part of the Mixed Reality program. Mixed Reality will release a number of new applications in the near future that will change the way we live and work. This [...]

The impact of Mozilla on the social mixed reality web.2021-05-28T09:45:48+00:00

Why Mozilla is actively involved in shaping the distribution of WebVR.


Since Firefox 55, WebVR has been standard available to all Windows users with an HTC Vive (well-suited VR-Headset to view 3D configurators in VR) or Oculus Rift headset. WebVR transforms Virtual Reality (VR) into a premium web experience and offers the endless possibilities of openness and interoperability of the web platform. Once these APIs are [...]

Why Mozilla is actively involved in shaping the distribution of WebVR.2021-02-09T09:57:08+00:00

How to make a decision between Maya and 3ds Max.


There are many different applications on the market that you can use for your work to create a 3D configurator. The two most popular software solutions available are 3ds Max and Maya. In the following article we would like to analyze and evaluate the strenghts and weaknesses of the two 3D applications. Basically, we [...]

How to make a decision between Maya and 3ds Max.2021-06-02T09:26:27+00:00

Rent or buy software? Which solution is best?


Recently, software vendors have seen many different contract models to create a 3D configurator. The spectrum ranges from unlimited contracts to software rental. Rental solutions usually offer them the latest software at an attractive monthly price, but there is a catch... If you stop paying, you lose your software. [...]

Rent or buy software? Which solution is best?2020-10-30T14:40:40+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is BodyPaint 3D?


BodyPaint 3D is basically a complete 3D software (important to create 3D configurators) solution, known for its 3D painting and UV mapping capabilities. Although BodyPaint 3D has been around since 2000, many users don`t know exactly what it is and how it differs from the 3D animation software Cinema 4D. So in the following article, [...]

Guide for beginners: What is BodyPaint 3D?2021-06-25T11:42:29+00:00

What progress has been made with BodyPaint 3D.


About 16 years ago the german software company Maxon (offers well-suited software to create 3D configurators) introduced BodyPaint 3D and revolutized the workflow of 3D painting. The integrated range of cross-plattform painting and UV mapping tools provides users with an excellent creative suite to add exquisite detail to surfaces in movies, game designs and other [...]

What progress has been made with BodyPaint 3D.2020-10-30T14:33:47+00:00

Why you should use renderings in your marketing campaigns.


It is not always easy to photograph objects and make them appear clean and tidy in the final packaging. This applies in particular to bottles with complex reflections or objects made of materials such as plastic or aluminium, which are not always easy to photograph. However in most cases it is essential to create [...]

Why you should use renderings in your marketing campaigns.2021-05-28T13:27:37+00:00

Already know the most popular 3D rendering software solutions on the market.


3D rendering software (very important in the creating processes of a 3D configurator) has made great strides over the last 10 years. Architects and designers are increasingly dependent on lifelike renderings of their work. Fortunaly, due to the existing 3D rendering software, you don`t need a server farm or a master`s degree in computer [...]

Already know the most popular 3D rendering software solutions on the market.2021-05-27T12:10:12+00:00
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