Better performance with Advanced Stereo Rendering


With version 2017.2, Unity has released support for stereo instancing for XR devices on DX11, giving developers access to even more performance enhancements for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and the new Windows Mixed Reality immersive headsets. Stereo instancing is an important aspect in the creating process of a 3D configurator. In the following article, [...]

Better performance with Advanced Stereo Rendering2020-04-14T15:13:51+00:00

Beginners guide: Cinema 4D 9.6 and Mograph.


In this article we deal intensively with Cinema 4D and the MoGraph module. When Maxon introduced it at NAB some time ago, everyone was thrilled and we're trying to find out if it meets the users' expectations. The MoGraph module plays an important role in 3D configurator projects. [...]

Beginners guide: Cinema 4D 9.6 and Mograph.2021-06-02T09:27:58+00:00

Which plugins for Cinema 4D you should absolutely know.


Maxon's Cinema 4D has a vibrant and well supported plugin ecosystem that offers all kinds of extensions to the app - from filling holes in the toolset to optimizing the workflow in the creating process of a 3D configurator. And because Cinema 4D is built that way, these plug-ins are not only well integrated [...]

Which plugins for Cinema 4D you should absolutely know.2021-06-25T14:35:31+00:00

Guide for beginners: What is a WebXR API?


You may already have heard these terms - MR, XR, WebVR, WebXR, and others that end with R-sounding acronyms. If you're new to this content, it can be a little confusing. All these terms are important when creating a 3D configurator. Against this background we would like [...]

Guide for beginners: What is a WebXR API?2021-05-28T09:43:44+00:00

How to view any video with Opera Developer 49 Browser.


Opera was the first browser to support 360-degree video and 3D configurators in real time in virtual reality headsets. This new developer update includes an integrated VR 360 player for leading headsets such as HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and other OpenVR-compatible devices and opens up the immersive world of 360-degree video to Opera users. [...]

How to view any video with Opera Developer 49 Browser.2021-05-27T13:21:08+00:00

Everything you need to know about Firefox Reality.


Earlier this year, Mozilla announced that it was developing a completely new browser called Firefox Reality to view 3D content like 3D configurators. Mozilla's Mixed Reality team set about developing a web browser that was designed from the ground up to work on standalone Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) headsets. Recently Mozilla [...]

Everything you need to know about Firefox Reality.2020-12-01T15:29:08+00:00

What you should know about 3D camera tracking with Matchmover.


Matchmover is a free software from Autodesk for tracking film material (for example to view 3D configurators), which can be included in a 3D package like 3ds Max or Maya. Tips for collecting footage: When filming the video you want to track, make sure you have high [...]

What you should know about 3D camera tracking with Matchmover.2021-05-28T12:52:36+00:00

What types of matchmovings you should know.


Matchmoving is the process of tracking one or more features in a piece of video in a specific time period. This technique is very useful and is the first step to almost any motion design and any visual effects recording with film footage. Matchmoving can be useful when visualizing a 3D configurator. MatchBut as [...]

What types of matchmovings you should know.2020-12-01T15:22:52+00:00

What relevance matchmoving has for live action material.


Matchmoving, also known as motion tracking, is important for any VFX artist to understand to create beautiful videos about 3D configurators. Without them, there would be no way to integrate 3D data into live action material. With the advances in software and the machines they run on, matchmoving has become more affordable and faster. [...]

What relevance matchmoving has for live action material.2021-06-25T14:36:54+00:00

How to watch VR videos with a VR headset.


Are you planning to watch real time 3D configurators in your VR headset and immerse yourself in a virtual world through 360-degree configurators? As cameras become cheaper, more and more users are uploading funny 360-degree videos about 3D configurators to YouTube and many people want to watch them with their VR headsets. [...]

How to watch VR videos with a VR headset.2021-06-25T14:37:50+00:00
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