Categories: Virtual Reality

Everything you need to know about PlayStation VR.

The PlayStation VR from Sony (successful 3D configurators) has been available for some months now, but is still quite rare in German households. In this article we would like to describe the PlayStation VR in more detail and answer important questions frequently asked by consumers.


PlayStation VR has always had a hard time. Compared to high-end gaming PCs, which are used to power Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, the PlayStation 4 is underpowered. The fact that Sony upgraded its old Move controllers and PlayStation cameras released in 2010 for use with PlayStation VR, which were peripherals not originally designed for VR, does not bode well for the platform either. Having tested it over the last few days, we have to admit that in some areas it is already impressive, but also has some problems.

What is PlayStation VR?

PlayStation VR is Sony’s Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display (HMD) that can only be used in combination with PlayStation 4. Like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive HMDs, it has a stereoscopic 3D display with optics that lets you place the screen right in front of your eyes. Combined with head tracking, it simulates depth and position perception in a virtual environment.

What is VR?

A common misconception about VR is that it is a mixture of the motion controls of Wii and 3DTVs, but this comparison is largely inaccurate.

In general, VR tries to immerse you completely in a virtual environment – so that you feel as if you were right there. When this happens effectively, many VR enthusiasts refer to it as “presence”.

For example, Sony’s Heist VR experience does a good job of giving you the feeling that you are in a virtual shootout while driving down a highway in an escape vehicle.

What is included with the basic PlayStation VR package?

PlayStation VR comes with the headset, the necessary cables, stereo headphones, a breakout box with HDMI splitter and a demo disc with a compilation of free PlayStation VR demos.

What do you need for the PlayStation VR?

Apart from the PlayStation VR, you need the PlayStation camera from Sony. To get the full result, you should also use the PlayStation Move controllers. In conjunction with the PlayStation camera, they allow you to track the position of your hands so that you can record virtual objects and play with them.

You need the PlayStation camera to use the PlayStation VR. At E3 2016, Sony also unveiled a new weapon-like target controller for the PlayStation VR, which the company presented during the demo of the PlayStation VR shooter Farpoint.

How important are Move controllers for PlayStation VR?

Sony assures that almost all PlayStation VR titles will support the standard DualShock 4 controller of PlayStation 4 and many games will be enhanced with Move controllers. However, some games require the Move controllers.

However, if you want to enjoy the full PlayStation VR experience, we recommend the Move controllers, as the additional hand tracking feature can greatly enhance the feeling of immersion and feeling.

Will there be a more complete PlayStation VR package with all peripherals?

Sony hasn’t announced any VR combo packages yet.

What are the PlayStation VR specifications?

PlayStation VR uses a single 5.7-inch 1920x1080p OLED display. It has a 100-degree field of view (FOV) and a 120Hz refresh rate panel.

How does PlayStation VR compare to alternative VR headsets such as Oculus Rift or HTC Vive VR?

Both the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive require high-end gaming PCs, while the PlayStation VR only requires a PS4. The HTC Vive, developed in collaboration with Valve, is generally considered the highest quality VR system, as it is equipped with cooled tracking controllers designed specifically for VR. The Vive also supports Room Scale, a mechanism that allows you to move and use your physical space. It is also the most expensive system with a price of 800 €.

The Oculus Rift does not currently offer tracking VR controllers, but this will change this year when the company releases its Oculus touch controllers. The VR headset is currently more expensive than the PlayStation VR with a price of 600 € without touch controller. Conversely, the PlayStation VR will use the existing PlayStation Move controllers, which came onto the market in 2010 and were not originally developed for VR.

PlayStation VR is currently considered the most accessible VR system of all three, but is not as powerful as the Rift or Vive. This is partly due to the comparatively low computing power of the PlayStation 4. VR is graphically extremely sophisticated and usually requires a frame rate of more than 90 images with low latency to achieve presence and reduce the probability of VR sickness.

Although all three headsets have a similar FOV, the PlayStation VR’s 1920 x 1080 resolution is not as sharp as that of the Vive or Rift with 2160×1200. One advantage the Sony HMD has over its competitors, however, is the fact that the headset can support 120Hz. The Rift and Vive use 90Hz displays.

Will we experience VR sickness?

It really depends on the person and the game. Some users are more sensitive to VR sickness than others. In addition, games that use artificial locomotion are often the cause of this problem.

If VR disease is an issue that affects you, we recommend that you try it out with a friend before making your purchase.

How much does the PlayStation VR cost?

399 €.

How do I set up the PlayStation VR?

The process is actually quite simple. Sony has published videos that explain the process in easy to understand steps. In a separate article we have described the set-up process in detail.

How do I clean my PlayStation VR headset?

Sony recommends wiping it with warm water and a dry microfiber cloth. All the details on cleaning the headset can be found in Sony’s two-part instructional video series.

We hope we’ve been able to answer all your questions about PlayStation VR. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our experts in our forum.

Thank you very much for your visit.
