How you can win great prizes with MasterpieceVR and Sketchfab.

Have you tried MasterpieceVR (very useful in relationship with 3D configurators)? The app is a new way to model and draw in VR with intuitive and dynamic tools. And even better, you can sculpt in real time with friends or colleagues in the same virtual room, or invite viewers to watch them work.

Unlike some other virtual reality (VR) adjustment tools, MasterpieceVR offers a comprehensive set of tools that allows you to create very robust graphics.

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The app was released in September 2017 and supports both the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift and is available through Steam, Viveport, the Oculus und Microsoft Store.

Starting today, you can export your creations directly from the software to sketchfab. So you can share your masterpieces with the world.

And MasterpieceVR can also be used as a modeling tool that is integrated into a workflow with additional animation software, as in this example where Blender was used for rigging and animation.

To learn more about what MasterpieceVR is capable of, follow their official profile here at sketchfab and view some phenomenal marked works.

What are you waiting for? A large community wants to see their work. And it`s also worth the effort. You can win greate AMD Ryzen, Vega and Radeon Pro prizes in the Do Androids Dream of Electric Reindeer? sculpting competition. But you should hurry now.